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Mauritania: Sahelian Africa - Locust Emergency: Situation Report #2 (FY 2005)

Source: US Agency for International Development
Country: Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Cabo Verde, Burkina Faso, Libya, Gambia

Note: The last situation report was dated October 8, 2004.


During July and September 2003, favorable climatic conditions resulted in increased locust breeding levels throughout Sahelian West Africa. The density of the swarms increased during October and November in Mauritania, Mali, and Niger, and the locusts became gregarious. With an average life span of four months, each gregarious female can lay up to 200 eggs in its lifetime. The locusts matured from July to October in Mali and Niger, and then moved on to Northwest Africa for a second breeding cycle from December 2003 to March 2004. In June, the first swarms of desert locusts moved from the spring breeding areas in Morocco and Algeria to the Sahel. With intensive control operations, the situation in Northwest Africa improved by the end of July, and only residual locust populations remained in Morocco and Algeria, according to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). However, by July, the swarms that had moved southward laid eggs in Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, and Niger. These swarms were highly mobile and difficult to spray before maturation. The summer rains in the Sahel provided the locusts with ideal survival and breeding conditions, and an even greater number of swarms are expected to arrive in Northwest and Northwestern Africa in the coming weeks. The current locust outbreak is the worst since 1987-1989, which required international donor contributions of approximately $300 million.

Area at Risk 3.5 million hectares
[crop and pasture land]
FAO - September 27, 2004
Pesticide Treated Area 1,957,406 hectares FAO - October 29, 2004

* one hectare = 2.5 acres

Total FY 2004/2005 USAID/OFDA Assistance to Sahelian Africa: $6,708,935

Total FY 2004/2005 U.S. Government (USG) Humanitarian Assistance to Sahelian Africa: $9,459,935


General situation. The desert locust infestation in the Sahel is improving as a result of control operations, the drying of vegetation, and the northward migration of swarms. Since early October, swarms of desert locusts have migrated north and northwest towards northwest Mauritania, southern Western Sahara, southern Morocco, and southern Algeria. Latest reports from FAO, the USAID Disaster Assistance Team (USAID/DART), and affected countries indicate that some swarms have moved to Cape Verde, Morocco, northern Mali and Niger, and southern Algeria. Locusts are declining in Senegal, southern, central, and southeastern Mali, southern and central Niger. The situation in Burkina Faso has returned to normal. Pesticide treatment efforts in the affected countries continue to combat the remaining swarms. The situation should continue to improve in the Sahel but is likely to further deteriorate in Northwest Africa. During November, more swarms are expected to move north through the northern areas of Mauritania, Mali, and Niger into Morocco, Algeria, and southwestern Libya. Control operations have treated hundreds of thousands of hectares in Morocco and Algeria since September 2004. The rains started falling in mid-October in southern Morocco where conditions could become favorable for the second generation of locusts to develop.

Impact on harvest. In 2003, grain harvest in the Sahel reached 14 million metric tons (MT). In 2004, the Sahel was predicted to experience a second year of above average harvest, due to favorable climatic conditions. The Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and FAO, with collaboration from the U.N. World Food Program (WFP) and participation from USAID's Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP), recently conducted joint crop assessment missions to the affected countries to determine the impact of the locusts on 2004 cereal production. Preliminary findings of the crop assessment missions indicate that regional cereal production will not be seriously affected, except in Mauritania where up to 50 percent of cereal production may be lost. The other countries will experience localized crop damage, with estimates ranging between 50 and 95 percent in the areas most affected.

Impact on lives and livelihoods. The potential ramifications of a large-scale locust infestation on lives and livelihoods in the affected countries and the region are grave. FAO has warned of severe food insecurity if control operations are not increased to combat the swarms. According to the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF), the agriculture sector employs 80 percent of the working population in the affected countries, with the exception of Niger and Senegal. In some countries, the combined loss of employment and food insecurity has resulted in rural migration to urban centers. Although the impact of the present locust situation on malnutrition levels cannot be determined at present, many children in the region are already suffering from malnutrition, making the potential impact life-threatening, according to UNICEF.

Mauritania. The number of swarms has begun declining in Mauritania as control interventions have intensified and escapee swarms move northward. Unless rains begin falling in the winter/spring breeding areas in Mauritania, it is likely that control operations for this summer will be concluded within two to three weeks. As of November 3, a total of 735,232 of the estimated 1.6 million hectares infested had been treated with pesticides, according to the Ministry of Rural Development and of the Environment. Treatment teams from the USAID/DART and the locust control units from Mauritania and Senegal have been operating since October 10. As of November 3, the USAID/DART aerial spray campaign had treated 230,686 hectares in Mauritania, representing nearly a third of the treated areas to date in the country.

WFP has warned of a potential food crisis in the country resulting from locust invasion and drought, since under normal conditions Mauritania manages to grow only enough food to meet a third of national requirements. The joint FAO/CILSS/WFP Crop Assessment Mission will provide information on the extent of the locust invasion's impact on food security in Mauritania.

Mali. The locust invasions in southern and south central Mali began to subside by mid-October. Most of the swarms have moved north into Adrar des Iforas and Timetrine and northeast into Kindal Region. Some swarms are reported to have reached southern Algeria. Fuel, pesticide, and aircraft logistical preparations are ongoing to begin locust control operations in Kidal Region. As the vegetation continues to dry and conditions become unfavorable, escapee locusts will move north and northwest, marking the end of the summer season in a few weeks.

As of October 31, a total of 347,351 of the estimated 871,418 hectares infested had been treated with pesticides, according to Mali's Locust Control Operations Center in the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA). The Government of Mali (GOM) estimates current crop losses at 440,000 MT. On October 23, the GOM reported that it is able to provide food for locust-affected populations due to food reserves from last year's successful harvest. According to the GOM, there has been a lull in the locust infestation in most areas of Mali.

Senegal. The locust situation has improved as aerial and ground control operations have intensified since early October. Senegal's MOA reported that control operations were effective in protecting vulnerable crops and pasture, as well as in significantly reducing locust numbers over vast areas, including the Senegal River Basin in Mauritania and Senegal. As of November 3, the MOA and USAID/OFDA's Assistance for Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Abatement (AELGA) project reported that a total of 667,277 hectares had been treated with pesticides, of which 95,714 were sprayed by the USAID/DART and the locust control unit from Senegal.

Niger. Locust infestations remain in the Tahoua Region and northern Maradi, Tillaberi, and Zinder regions of Niger, according to the Ministry of Agricultural Development. Hopper bands and immature swarms have been reported in Tamesna and in the Air Mountains, where if conditions remain favorable swarms could mature, eventually lay eggs, and possibly migrate north to Algeria and Libya. As of October 31, a total of 238,723 hectares had been treated with pesticides, according to Niger's Department of Crop Protection .

The combined effects of drought and locust infestation have had a significant impact on Niger's agro-pastoral zone. The joint FAO/WFP/CILSS food security evaluation team reported that agricultural production will be 11 percent less than the five year average, and 25 percent less than last year. Preliminary data indicates that Niger faces a 500,000 MT food deficit, of which 30 percent is due to the locusts and 70 percent is due to the drought

Burkina Faso. On November 3, FAO reported that locust infestations declined in the northern region of Burkina Faso and the situation improved as swarms moved north to Mali. No swarms were reported after October 3. As of October 20, FAO reported that a total of 16,786 hectares had been treated with pesticides.

Cape Verde. Several swarms, and related crop damage, have been reported in Cape Verde. On November 3, FAO reported that small mature swarms were reported on the islands of Fogo, Sanitago, Maio, Boa Vista, Sao Nicolau, and Santo Antao. Although no figure of locust damage is available, the country only produces 20 percent of national consumption requirements under normal conditions, so damage from the locusts may exacerbate an already acute food security situation. Cape Verde lost almost the entire 2004 maize harvest due to drought conditions in July and August. As of October 10, a total of 1,013 hectares had been treated with pesticides, according to FAO.

Response Efforts. FAO is the U.N.-designated lead on emergency transboundry pest outbreaks. The FAO Regional Emergency Locust Coordination Unit (ECU), partially funded by USAID/OFDA, is operating in Dakar to coordinate locust activities and response within the Sahel region. As of November 3, FAO had received

$52.4 million, and pledges for an additional $15 million, in response to the appeal for $100 million to combat the locust invasion. FAO has contributed approximately $6 million from its own resources to the appeal. Donor contributions to FAO's appeal include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway, France, and Italy. Additionally, the United States, France, Italy, and Belgium have provided aircraft and funds to FAO to meet aerial spraying requirements.

In addition, FAO is leading a working group composed of U.N. agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to determine how to target locust-affected populations for assistance and what type of assistance to provide. Assistance options being discussed include assisting cold season farmers with inputs, assisting pastoralists with livestock feed to prevent the sale of animals, and/or targeting food assistance to prevent migration from affected areas.

Countries in northern and northwestern Africa, notably Morocco, Algeria, and Libya, continue to make significant contributions, including pesticides, vehicles, technical assistance, and communication and spray equipment, such as aircraft, to combat the regional locust threat. Many governments in the Sahel have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding to allow control teams to conduct cross-border operations.


In response to the current locust upsurge affecting the Sahel, major donors including USAID have adopted a regional strategy to channel funding for the locust emergency through FAO's appeal. FAO also coordinates closely with USAID/OFDA's AELGA project to identify appropriate activities that USG funding can support.

To date, USAID/OFDA has provided more than $6.7 million to support locust control efforts throughout the Sahel. The USAID/DART, comprised of locust emergency personnel, is currently on the ground. The USAID/DART has deployed throughout the region to provide technical assistance to national governments and help coordinate the USG response to the locust emergency. USAID/OFDA has also provided six crop-dusting planes, capable of spraying a total of 7,500 hectares per day, for regional control efforts. Using the pesticide Malathion, the aerial spraying campaign is conducting daily sorties in northern and central Senegal and southern Mauritania to spray prioritized locations where locusts threaten crops and pastureland. Three of the USAID/OFDA-funded aircraft are now based in Kaedi, Mauritania, and three are based in Senegal at Podor and Saint Louis. With a base of operations in Kaedi, the possibility for treatment extends to a 200 km radius allowing USAID/OFDA to treat swarms north of Kaedi as well as swarms near Matar in northeastern Senegal. This area of operation covers much of the most productive crop and pastureland in Mauritania, supporting USAID's primary treatment strategy of promoting food security and livelihoods through the protection of crop production and pastureland. As of November 3, USAID/OFDA-funded planes had completed 158 sorties and treated 326,400 hectares of crop and pasture land in Mauritania and Senegal.

In FY 2004, USAID's Bureau for Africa (USAID/AFR) has provided $800,000 to FAO for emergency locust operations. In addition, USAID/AFR has provided $651,000 to the USAID/Senegal for response activities in Mauritania and Senegal. USAID/Mali has also provided $1 million through FAO to support regional locust control efforts and $100,000 to the Government of Mali.

USAID's Bureau of Asia and the Near East (USAID/ANE) has provided $200,000 to the Moroccan MOA to purchase protection, spraying, and communications equipment.

On April 14, 2004, U.S. Ambassador Joseph LeBaron issued a disaster declaration for the locust outbreak in Mauritania, which affected the regions of Adrar, Dakhlet Nouadhibou, Tiris Zemmour, and Inchiri. On April 15, 2004, U.S. Ambassador Thomas T. Riley issued a disaster declaration due to the locust outbreak in Morocco. In response to both, USAID/OFDA provided $500,000 to FAO for continued locust prevention and response activities region-wide and an additional $1 million in June 2004.

On September 2, 2004, U.S. Ambassador Vicki Huddleston issued a disaster declaration due to the locust emergency affecting Mali. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/Mali to support the Government of Mali's special account for combating the locust infestation.

On September 21, 2004, U.S. Ambassador Joseph D. Stafford determined that the impending threat of a locust infestation was beyond the capacity of the local and national authorities in The Gambia. In response, on September 24, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 to FAO to support the relief and prevention efforts in The Gambia.

On September 23, 2004, U.S. Ambassador Richard A. Roth declared a disaster in Senegal due to the magnitude of the locust infestation. In response to the continuing emergency in Mauritania and the declaration for Senegal, USAID/OFDA has provided more than $4.5 million to date for emergency operations for locust mitigation and response activities in Mauritania and Senegal.

On October 19, 2004, U.S. Chargé d'Affaires John Davison issued a disaster declaration due to the combined effects of the drought and locusts affecting Niger. In response, on October 22, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 to FAO to implement agricultural relief and recovery programs, including the provision of livestock feed support and agricultural inputs for dry season gardening activities.


Implementing Partner
FAO Locust Response Regional
FAO Locust Response Chad
FAO Locust Response The Gambia
FAO Locust/Drought Response Niger
USAID/Mali Pesticides and related control activities Mali
USAID/Senegal Aerial spraying campaign Mauritania and Senegal
FAO Locust Response Regional
USAID/Senegal Locust Response Mauritania and Senegal
Morocco MOA Locust Response Morocco
FAO Locust Response Regional
Government of Mali Locust Response Mali

Note: 1 USAID/OFDA funding represents committed and/or obligated amount as of November 5, 2004.

Ken Issacs
Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance

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